Sync SCVMM Cloud VMs to SCOM groups

Within System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) you have the ability to define clouds, this is useful for a number of reasons. However, its also useful for monitoring purposes. For instance in the environment I developed this script for, we had a Prod Cloud and a Non Proud Cloud, among others. This allowed me to sync SCVMM Cloud VMs to SCOM Groups. Why might this be useful you ask? Well for instance for Non Prod cloud we maybe don’t want as many alerts, or different thresholds, rules or monitors, sorting all these machines into their own group allows us to do that in SCOM.

Of all the system center products, SCVMM might have the most robust powershell cmdlets. For environments that do not have clouds defined, you could easily change the command to get it by host cluster or some other property.


What you’ll need:

– Powershell Read Rights to VMM (Remote rights if using it from a different PC)
– At least Author Rights to SCOM as the script will create SCOM Groups and add VMs to them
– The VMM, OpsMgr and OpsMgrSDK Powershell Modules all installed on the machine running the script
I typically run this script from a Operations Manager Management Server, as VMM has much better support for remote commands. The OpsMgrSDK doesn’t have any support for remote commands. You will need to use invoke-command to use commands remotely
This script uses elements of my SCOM Group creation found here

<#Sync SCVMM Cloud VMs to SCOM groups
Purpose of the script is to take Virtual Machines in VMM Clouds and put them in SCOM groups for maintenance mode and reporting. Also to add to DPM Protection groups.

this script uses VMM powershell module and Tao Yang's OpsMgr custom powershell module for SCOM 2012 r2+

by Billy York @scautomation

# Set VMM and SCOM Servers
$vmmserver = 'your VMM Server'
$scomserver = 'your SCOM Server'
$mpname = "management pack"
$domain = "domain"

#Set VMM Cloud groups and SCOM Groups
$cloud1 = "Prod Cloud"
$cloud2 = "Non Prod Cloud"
$scomgroup1 = "Prod Cloud"
$scomgroup2 = "Non Prod Cloud"

#declare full group names for creation
$scomgroup1Full = "Prod.Cloud"
$scomgroup2Full = "Non.Prod.Cloud"

#Import VMM, OpsMgr &amp; OpsMgrSDK modules
Import-Module virtualmachinemanager
Import-Module operationsmanager

#Get VMs from VMM Server, with Name, Cloud
$vms = Get-SCVirtualMachine -VMMServer $vmmserver | Select-Object name, cloud

foreach($vm in $vms)
$computer = $
$cloud = $vm.Cloud
$cloudname = $

#If the VM is not assigned a cloud put in outfile
if($cloudname -eq $null)
$computer | out-file c:\temp\nocloudname.txt -Append

#sort Cloud1 VM into Cloud 1 SCOM Group
if($cloudname -eq $cloud1)
#get scom group
$verify = get-scomgroup -displayname $scomgroup1

#if the scom group does not exist, create it, sleep, then add the VM to it.
if($verify -eq $null)
$create = new-omcomputergroup -sdk $scomserver -MPname $mpname -computergroupname $scomgroup1Full -computergroupdisplayname $scomgroup1
start-sleep -Seconds 360
$groupadd = New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember -SDK $scomserver -GroupName $create.fullname -ComputerPrincipalName $computer
} Else {$groupadd = New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember -SDK $scomserver -GroupName $verify.fullname -ComputerPrincipalName $computer}

#sort Cloud2 VM into Cloud 2 SCOM Group
if($cloudname -eq $cloud2)
#get scom group
$verify = get-scomgroup -displayname $scomgroup2

#if the scom group does not exist, create it, sleep to allow DB propagation, then add the VM to it.
if($verify -eq $null)
$create = new-omcomputergroup -sdk $scomserver -MPname $mpname -computergroupname $scomgroup2full -computergroupdisplayname $scomgroup2
start-sleep -Seconds 360
$groupadd = New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember -SDK $scomserver -GroupName $create.fullname -ComputerPrincipalName $computer
} Else {$groupadd = New-OMComputerGroupExplicitMember -SDK $scomserver -GroupName $verify.fullname -ComputerPrincipalName $computer}

